Statistical Power Analysis Tool
R tool that helps researchers calculate sample size and power for different study designs and tests, ensuring robust and well-powered research.
Sample Size & Power Guide: sampwR
The Statistical Power Analysis Tool is an R-based tool designed to help researchers accurately estimate the required sample size to achieve desired statistical power in their studies. With this guide, users can explore how various parameters (e.g., effect size, significance level, power) impact sample size requirements across different statistical tests and study designs.
- Sample Size Estimation: Calculate the minimum sample size required to detect an effect with specified power and significance level.
- Power Calculation: Determine the power of a study given a fixed sample size and expected effect size.
- Support for Different Study Designs: Adapt calculations for between-subjects and within-subjects designs, as well as complex models.
- Versatile for Various Statistical Tests: Includes options for common tests like t-tests, ANOVA, regression analyses, and mixed-effects models.
- Guidance and Optimization: Offers recommendations if sample size or power is insufficient and suggestions for optimizing study design.